publised by: Christopher Gaines
published date: Nov. 25, 2022, 6:50 p.m.
First I'd like to say welcome to my channel and my first ever YouTube video. This channel will be used promote my graphic design and web development freelance. I will not be keeping this channel strictly business and dry. I will also post fun creations that I wish to share and perhaps some personal videos of current or occasional happenings.
In this video is show just a small example of my capabilities as a designer. It shows how I might sometimes begin with photography, picking out a favorite photo to be used for some form of image creation. In this case I used Adobe Illustrator to make vector line art, then added colors to the illustration. Next I had put it into specific layers to be made into a parallax Adobe After Effects animation.
I hope you all enjoy my channel and enjoy this video. Please give it a like.