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> Monday?

published by: Christopher Gaines

published date: July 14, 2022, 11:02 p.m.

I know that at this time the weekend is upon us, but I'm still posting this now.

Most people in the real world have a dread for the first day of the week. Well, we look at Sunday as the first day of the week, but right now I speak of the first day of the "Work Week" or the first of what is called business days. Monday!

There are reason that people don't like Mondays. Some of which I'm certain that I don't know, but one general reason is that most people, especially those in perhaps an 8 - 5, Monday -Friday type of job look forward to the weekend. Sometimes for rest, and other times for enjoyment. Whatever the reason, the weekend frees us from sitting at our jobs 8 hours a day.

With these thoughts in mind, my conclusion to why Mondays are hated, is because that particular day tells us that our enjoyable weekend is over, and it's back to our jobs.

However, I tend to see Monday differently than some, because for me it is not a dread, but something to look forward to. Maybe this post will help someone, but for others perhaps it's just something to read or pure entertainment. However, this post will not help the lazy in heart.

When I enter into my Monday, to me it is the day which some places are open for business that are closed during the weekends. Sometimes it is services that run only during business hours that we need. For me, it is that time of starting fresh at the beginning of the week. I tend to make goals that start on Monday to possibly complete the goals be or before the weekend. Sometimes these goals can be set within the work day at my day job. Other goals are personal which is usually the case.

To mention a small bit of information about me. I keep myself busy with projects that usually are to help me business, whether it be building a website, a graphic design project, or studying and training myself to become better at what I am doing, I tend to set goals. Goals that I usually wish to accomplish within the week. So I tend to always choose Monday as the day to begin these goals that I might set a completion date. Choosing Monday makes this day much easier to swallow and even something to look forward to, because I'm trilled to begin something that I am excited to complete.
