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> Should Learning End?

published by: Christopher Gaines

published date: July 8, 2022, 4:30 a.m.

I say this with a happy heart. Not that I went learning to ever end. I've heard this wise saying somewhere that I believe I have read. I cannot remember where, but it goes something like this. That a person is not longer happy where they are not being challenged. This may go for a job or other situations. Some people can be lazy and not want to do anything. As for me... I want to keep building myself or I grow bored with what I do every day.

Make life interesting. Find a challenge. It does not have to be something far out, but something in relation to what you already do. Just build on it, and expand. It just might lead to better opportunities as well as higher paying situations whether it is a new job, a promotion at a current job, or higher paying clients if you work freelance. Maybe it's not even a financial increase, but a way that you can better help someone you care about.
