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> Give or Get?

published by: Christopher Gaines

published date: Sept. 4, 2022, 5:14 a.m.

To give or to get? That's the question on my mind. I have spend two weeks traveling to and back from the Philippines to see my girlfriend who is now my fiancé. It was such a wonderful trip, giving me the chance to give to people that I love so much!

I'm sure just as many of us are, as children we have to learn the value of giving and doing for others. I knew that giving and doing for others was right and something to cherish but I sometimes at young ages it just does not sink in the joys of giving.

One thing I have noticed about many of the people in the Philippines is they are nearly like servants. They will give you the shirt off of their backs to help you out, and not even give any thought to it. It is a natural thing for them to do. And maybe not every Filipino, but I know my girlfriend Flor's family is like this. It makes me even so much the more to give to and do things for them as well.

The moral to the story or idea here is that I find life to be so much better when my thoughts are less on myself, but more on others. Giving to others, helping others, showing others a good time. Serving others.

Look closely and you just might notice that the people you know who are or appear to be so very selfish, always talking about themselves and how they deserve to be treated and that so many people owe them, notice their happiness. I cannot proclaim to be an expert at this, however a do have a friend and maybe more than just one who thinks much of their own selves and they seem to remain unhappy most days. Once a person realizes that the world does not revolve around them, but that there are many others out there to help and to do something wonderful for, the world becomes a better place. At least it does for me.

Treat others better than you believe you should be treated.
